
Special Offer

Learn the APL programming language, at no cost, with our comprehensive, interactive APL+Win Tutorial. APL2000, a full-service software company, is making the APL+Win Tutor available for interested individuals to experience first-hand the "power of APL."

APL (A Programming Language) is a mathematically structured, dynamically typed, array-based, interpreted programming language. It is used worldwide by mathematicians, actuaries, scientists, engineers, researchers, economists, and others. APL supports a comprehensive set of functions that work effectively on scalar and higher-dimension array data. It is ideal for the concise, clear expression of mathematical thought applied to real-world problems.

Why Learn APL?

To further promote the teaching of APL, APL2000 provides software licenses at no cost for classroom instruction as well as no cost student licenses.

APL is a valuable tool to add to your programming toolkit. APL2000 software can connect to industry-standard databases, interface with ActiveX and .NET, and produce results in Microsoft Excel and PDF formats.

For more information, to request a trial version of APL+Win or to purchase software, contact Sales@APL2000.com or call 301-208-7150.

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